Setting Up Your Incubator
Success using an incubator isn’t guaranteed, especially with some of the cheaper models available. Getting good results at hatch time won’t just depend on your
Home > Incubation & Hatching Geese
Articles and guides to help you hatch goose eggs and successfully raise goslings.
Articles are grouped as follows:
We can apply many of the techniques we have learned when incubating chicken eggs to hatch goose eggs, providing we adjust the incubation period, temperature, and humidity.
Getting the correct egg weight loss by adjusting the humidity over the incubation period is particularly important. This can be challenging with smaller incubators, although I have found some medium-sized incubators will hatch goose eggs successfully with care.
If we let Mother Nature help us, we can hatch goose eggs with a broody goose. The goose will need a suitable location that provides safety from predators and suitable nesting materials, but she will often be more successful than artificial incubators. While the heavy breeds tend to be a bit clumsy, some medium weight breeds can make excellent mothers.
Raising goslings is usually much easier than hatching them! Unlike chickens and ducks, a flock of geese will adopt and raise goslings as part of their family, even if they are not their own. The whole flock will help out, and this is a useful way for us to raise and protect them while saving ourselves a lot of work.
Incubating and hatching is a lot of fun, but goose eggs can be tricky to hatch successfully, so sometimes it’s best to leave it to a broody goose.
Success using an incubator isn’t guaranteed, especially with some of the cheaper models available. Getting good results at hatch time won’t just depend on your
What is the correct incubation humidity for hatching eggs, and how do we measure it? How to get the right humidity for chicken, duck, goose & quail eggs.
What will you see candling eggs? Pictures and videos of candling chicken eggs at 7 & 14 days of incubation and a useful air sac development chart.
One of the easiest ways to incubate and hatch goose eggs can be to leave it up to a broody goose. Not all breeds are good mothers. Heavier breeds can be quite clumsy and better at breaking eggs than sitting on them, but many lighter breeds will sit the term, hatching and raising their young.
The porosity of eggs varies with size, age and as the season progresses. This article describes egg incubation weight loss for setting the right humidity in your incubator.
Those last few days were so exciting: would we get goslings? I was driving my Belgian friend mad with my phone calls and questions, he
My review of the RCOM King Suro 20 Incubator, which compares features for the price with other incubators in this category.
Review of the RCOM 20 Incubator, available in three different models. I tested the RCOM with both chicken and duck eggs, and here’s what I found.
The Brinsea Hatchmaker can take around 40 eggs and a popular choice with poultry breeders to be used as a separate hatcher for hatching eggs.
Photos and detailed breed profiles for every domestic goose in the British Poultry Standard.
General articles, guides, and information about keeping geese at home, on a smallholding or farm.
Articles about incubating, hatching goose eggs and raising goslings.
There are a limited number of worthwhile books on geese! These are the books I would recommend.