Poultry For Sale in the UK & Ireland

Poultry For Sale in the UK & Ireland

Poultry Breeders Database

Here are contact details of poultry breeders in the UK and Ireland that have chickens/poultry for sale. Please note, I do not check entries for accuracy, or breeders for husbandry standards.

If you are looking to buy chickens or other poultry, have a look at the map below to locate breeders with poultry for sale in your area, or underneath this in the listings which are organised by county.
Be warned, not all breeds are easy to find. Rare breeds often take time to source and you will often need to go onto a waiting list before birds become available.

If you are a breeder with regular supplies of chickens or other poultry for sale and would like to have a listing here in our database then please click here to go to the bottom of this page where you will find further information about having your details added.

Entry is free but we do ask for you to add a link back to poultrykeeper if you want a website listed.

Barred Plymouth Rock Pullets
Barred Plymouth Rock pullets at the Black Rock Hatchery.

If you don’t have regular stock for sale but have a couple of birds to sell, then our forum’s Chickens For Sale section is probably the best place to advertise them.

If you are new to keeping chickens, the best way to start is to get ‘point of lay’ hens. These are usually just a few weeks away from starting to lay, so you should start to see some eggs by the time they have settled into their new home.

You do not need a cockerel for a hen to lay eggs; you will only need him if you want the eggs fertilised for hatching.

A Reminder for Buyers

List of poultry breeders by region

Click on the county name for a drop down list of poultry vets.


John Freeman

Cream Legbars, Goldtops and Sussex. Others will soon be available.

Tel: 0117 9490908
Email: freemandavies@hotmail.co.uk

Kavanagh Cottage Poultry

Chickens: Pure Bred Light Sussex, bred for the number of eggs they lay and table suitability. Welsummer X Light Sussex (Light Summers) a sex-linked hybrid. Occasionally pure Welsummers are available.
Geese: Ebdem X Toulouse (typical farmyard geese).
Turkeys: North American Wild Turkeys. The original turkey from which all domesticated breeds were bred. Wild X Bronze hatching eggs/chicks also sometimes available.
Rheas: Brown and brown x white.
Guinea Fowl: Pearl and white patched guinea fowl.
Ducks: Mixed colours of runner ducks, some crested.
Peafowl: White cross Indian Blue. Hatching eggs available. Stock varies monthly.

Tel: Sam on 07879 636480
Email: kavanaghcottagepoultry@live.com

Matt Hanson (Gravenhurst)

Large Blue Orpingtons (Best in Show twice 2008 and 4 Best Large Soft Feather awards). Large Gold Laced Wyandotte (Best Gold Laced Wyandotte at the National 2007 came out of my breeding pens). Large Brown Porcelain Wyandottes (direct German imports.) Eggs available in season and usually birds at the end of the year.

Tel: 01525 864934
Email: kbhmhanson@aol.com

Immy’s Poultry (Biggleswade)

A family hobby. We breed stock to aim for the best quality and standards as we like to enter shows. (Accolades include the best novice, best utility, best rare, best soft feather etc.) Hatching eggs and youngstock are sometimes available, as are POL and trios.
Large Fowl: Salmon Faverolle, Buff Cochin, Cream Legbar. Self Blue Poland, White Sultan. Bantams: Pekins in mixed colours, Lavender, Black, White and some Frizzle. Chamois, Black and White Thuringian. Groningen Meeuwen, Buff Orpington, Black Orpington, Modern Game, Ohiki.
Turkeys: Bronze.
Ducks: Welsh Harlequin, Call.

Tel: 07889 679714
Email: immyspoultry@hotmail.co.uk

Redwood Fur & Feather (Reading)

Pure bred Bantams; Pekins, Barbu D’Anvers, Light Sussex, Faverolles and Silkies. Purebred standard size; Araucanas, Brahmas, Light Sussex. Ducks; Calls ducks, German Pekins, Pochards and Black East Indians. Peafowl. Garvo stockist.

Tel: 01491 671424 or 07703 446414
Email: quack@redwoodfurandfeather.co.uk

Widgit’s Birds (Nr. Reading)

Close to J11 M4, we have Point of Lay Hybrids available all year round, all vaccinated and wormed. Pure breeds subject to availability from day olds. For further information or advice, please contact us. Local delivery service available, other areas by arrangement.

Tel: Rachael on 01189 868252
Email: Rachael.Cooper@widgits.co.uk

Bennet’s Birds (Maidenhead)

Visits by appointments only. Poultry for the garden, good quality healthy birds. Breeds: Silkies, Polish and Hybrids. We supply Live Hatching Eggs, Point of Lay Pullets, Chickens, Day old chicks, Incubator Hire.

Email: info@bennetsbirds.co.uk

Crofters Farm (High Wycombe)

Hybrid POL Hens. Fully Vaccinated. Variety of breeds and colours.

Tel: 01494 481416

Belle Bantams UK (Manea)

Breeders Of Rare, True and Ornamental Purebred Bantams. Hatching Eggs, Chicks, POL, Hens, Cockerels, Hybrid Hens from Day Old, Ducks and Ducklings. Belgian Bantams: Lavender Quail D’Anvers. Japanese Bantams: Bearded Cuckoo and Black-Tailed White. Pekin Bantams: Chocolate (Frizzle/Smooth), Cuckoo (Frizzle and Smooth), Salmon, Lemon, Lemon Cuckoo, White (Frizzle/Smooth), Lavender, Lavender Cuckoo and Millefleur. Sablepoot Bantams: RARE Lemon Millefleur and Porcelain. Polish Bantams: Chamois (Smooth/Frizzle), Silver Laced (Smooth/Frizzle) and White (Frizzle and Smooth). Sebright Bantams: Silver and Gold Laced. Silkie Bantams and Miniatures: White Bearded. Serama Bantams: Various Colours (Smooth and Silkied). Gold Top Bantams (BBUK Strain). Gold Belles (LF) Vaccinated and Auto-Sexed.

Tel: 01354 680041 or 07838 928470

Emma’s Eggs (Nr. Huntingdon)

Orpingtons in Buff, Blue and black. Millefleur Pekins. Lavender Pekins. Lavender silkie bantams. All poultry free-range. Hatching eggs available. Day-old chicks.

Tel: 07970 666258

Victorias Poultry (Chester)

Large Fowl Orpingtons in Lavender, Black, Buff, Blue and Gold Laced. Bantam Orpingtons in Blue, Black and Buff. Silkies in White, Blue, Lavender, Red and Gold. Pekins in Lemon, Lemon Cuckoo, Silver Partridge, Blue, Black, Millefleur. French Copper Marans in Blue, Black and Splash. Sablepoots (Booted Bantams) in Lavender and Lemon Millefleur. Light Sussex in Large and Bantams. Vorwerks. Point of Lay Warrens. Silkie Cross Broodies.

Tel: 07704 321104
Email: feild983@btinternet.com

Bevs Rare Breed Poultry (Holmes Chapel)

Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots, Croad Langshans in Black and White, Miniature bearded silkies, Poland Bantams, Garden Hens. Hatching eggs to point of lay available in limited numbers throughout the year.

Tel: 07815 201055
Email: rarebreedpoultry@tiscali.co.uk

Cheshire Poultry (Stockport)

Hatching eggs posted, day olds, growers, POL. Nationwide delivery is possible. Quality pure breed birds from exhibition stock. Free-range reared LF exhibition Light Sussex, Lavender Araucanas and Crested Cream Legbars (blue eggs). Dark egg strain Welsummers, French Marans in copper black, copper blue, splash, silver blue and silver black. Large exhibition Wyandottes in black, blue, barred, partridge and rare silver pencilled. LF Wyandottes in silver, blue, buff, gold-laced. Bantam Wyandottes in partridge, silver laced and silver pencilled. Sebastopol Geese, curly and smooth breasted in white, buff and grey (bred from the winners of the National and Federation 2009, 10, 11 & 12. My Goose won supreme champion at the BWA National Waterfowl Show 2012.

Tel: 07597 629678
Email: steve@cheshirepoultry.co.uk
Web: www.cheshirepoultry.co.uk

Wellington Boot Garden Farm (Stockport)

Various hybrids, for example, black rock, blue ranger, Sussex, all bred and reared to do well in a back garden setting, and make ideal pets. We sell various ages of chickens, from day old to retired.

Tel: 07581 491094

Audrey Snellgrove (Bude)

I keep a small number of the following breeds: Buff Orpington Ducks, Welsh Harlequin Ducks and Shetland Ducks. I sell fertile eggs and youngstock. Please contact me for availability. I could also incubate to order.

Tel: 01288 341105
Email: audreysnellgrove@live.co.uk

Ros Styles (Penzance)

Crested Cream Legbar, ‘Cornish’ and ‘Jubilee’ Indian Game, Light Sussex, Barred Plymouth Rock (Super Utility Strain). Hatching eggs to POL as well as chicken houses.

Tel: 01736 333848

Cornish Smallholder (Nr. Liskeard)

Orpingtons in black, buff, Splash. Orpington bantams in Black, Splash, Chocolate. Barnevelder Double laced. Red Dorking, Dutch Bantams in Gold, Black, Pekins in Chocolate, Millefleur, Black. Barbu’D Uccle in Millefleur. Aylesbury Duck, West of England Geese.

Tel: 07803 827791
Email: Enquiries@cornishsmallholder.com

Quality Poultry (Ambleside)

We have quality hybrid pullets available. Please contact us for prices and current availability. 

Email: Imh92001@gmail.com

Skellerah Farm (Nr. Barrow-in-Furness)

Bluebelle, White Leghorn, Light Sussex, Black Rock, Cuckoo Marans, Rhode Island Red, Speckledy, Silver Sussex, Amber, Buff Barred, Columbian Blacktail, Brown Leghorn. All our hens are ‘Point of Lay’ and fully vaccinated. We are a family run farm based in South West Cumbria in the National Park. Collect your hens while enjoying a lovely day out in the heart of Cumbria with our beautiful scenery.

Tel: 01229 718452
Email: jrsullivan@skellerahfarm.plus.com

Happy Ms. Chickens (Nr. Penrith)

I breed blue Orpington, Buff Orpington and Black Orpington, all large fowl. I have hatching eggs for sale and small numbers of poultry, e.g. pairs or trios. All breeds have their own separate runs outside. Visitors welcome but need to telephone first.

Tel: Call Wendy on 01768 351011
Email: robson_utop@yahoo.co.uk

Hill and Dale Rabbits and Poultry (Buxton)

Brahma (breeding group includes blue partridge, gold partridge, blue salmon, lemon Pyle, splash, buff and dark) and Silkies (black, blue, white, splash). All stock is free-range. We have hatching eggs, chicks and POL available.

Tel: 07983 611821
Email: Dawnwel@talktalk.net

Orpingtons UK

Breeders of show quality Orpingtons: LF Orpingtons in Black, Blue, Lavender, Lemon Cuckoo, Splash, Gold Laced, Buff Wyandotte, Blue Wyandotte, French Wheaton Marans, Silver Laced Sebrights, Citrus Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots. Hatching eggs, growers and adult stock.

Email: enquiries@orpingtonsuk.com

Richard and Claire Lambeth (Matlock)

L.F. Vorwek, Welsummer, Black Leghorn, Barred Wyandotte, Marans, Pekin Frizzle Bantams. Also Campbell and Muscovy ducks.

Tel: 01629 823324

Heathylee House Farm (Derbyshire / Staffordshire border)

Hybrid poultry, Buff and Lavender Orpingtons, Pekins, Black Indian Runner Ducks, Call Ducks and a wide variety of Ornamental Geese. Sensible prices and sensible advice from experienced farmers – 25 years in poultry breeding.

Tel: 01298 83659
Email: karen@heathylee.co.uk

The Poultry Shed Ltd. (Ilfracombe)

We have various breeds of chickens: Brahmas, Cochins, Orpingtons, Marans, Araucanas, Legbars, Light Sussex, Speckled Sussex, Wyandottes, and loads more. We can supply Hatching Eggs, Day-old Chicks, Growers, and POL all vaccinated. We also sell poultry equipment, supplies and feed.

Tel: 01271 854960
Email: enquiries@the-poultry-shed.co.uk

South Yeo Farm East – Rare and Traditional Breeds (Okehampton)

We supply Hatching eggs, young birds and run ‘Introduction to Keeping Poultry’ training days at our farm in Devon where we have 30 different breeds of poultry including Marans, Welsummer, Barnevelder, Blue laced Barnevelder, Ixworth, RIR, Light and Speckled Sussex, Vorwerk, Andalusian, Lavender Araucana, La Fleche, Salmon Favorelle, Dark and Silver Grey Dorking, Red Jungle Fowl, Silver Spangled Hamburg bantam, Blue laced Wyandotte bantam and mixed Pekins, along with Cayuga ducks and West of England geese

Tel: Ian or Gillian Dixon on 01837 810274
Email: southyeofarm@btinternet.com

Trusham Poultry (Trusham / Teign Valley)

Light Sussex, Marans including – Blue, Black. Cooper and Splash. Plus Buff and Blue Orpingtons.

Email: trushampoultry@tiscali.co.uk

Mary Heard (Nr. Okehampton)

Rare breed Vorwerks for sale.

Tel: 01837 52275
Email: maryheard@talktalk.net

Back to the Land (Torquay)

We supply fertile hatching eggs, chicks, growers and POL for the following breeds:- Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red, Welsummer, Cream Legbar, Cuckoo Marans, Copper Blue Marans, Black and Splash Marans, Indian (Cornish) Game, Lavender Pekin Bantams, and Golden Partridge Pekin Bantams as well as hybrids such as RIR X Sussex, Gingernut Ranger. Lohman Brown POL Available all year round. Khaki Campbell ducks, ducklings and fertile duck eggs are available.

Tel: Contact Pete on 07726 513375
Email: salesbacktotheland@gmail.com

Heritage Turkeys (Lyme Regis)

Turkeys: Bourbon Red, Bronze, Buff, Narragansett, Norfolk Black, Pied. Geese: West of England. Chickens: Copper Black Marans, Copper Blue Marans, Buff Orpington, Legbar. Adult Birds, Poults, Hatching Eggs very occasionally.

Tel: 01297 678393
Email: ian@heritageturkeys.co.uk

Julie at Holme Poultry

Large fowl Light Sussex, Rhode Island Reds, Cream Legbars and Indian Runner Ducks

Tel: 07887 601779
Email: jul.cunning@gmail.com   

Sam’s Chicken Shed (Bexhill)

Suppliers of Rhode Island Red, Welsummer, Light Sussex, Buff Sussex, White Sussex, Buff Orpington, Cream Legbar, Barnevelder.
Day Olds to POL. Chickens available all year round.

Email: samschickenshed@gmail.com

Martins Wood Farm (Ripe)

Martins Wood Farm supply 13 different breeds of fully vaccinated, point of lay hybrid hens. These include Light Sussex, Black Sussex, Goldline, Blue Haze, White Ranger (white egg layer), Blacktail, Speckled Marans, Rhode Rock, Marans Cuivree, Coral, Amber, Barred Rock and Skyline (blue egg layer). We are also fully stocked with poultry equipment, housing and feed.

Tel: 01323 811877
Email: info@martins-wood-chickens.co.uk

Emily’s Garden Quail (Colchester)

Coturnix quail in a mix of colours and ages. From day old to adult. Hatching eggs also available.

Tel: 07541 998697
Email: foreverinsilver@hotmail.co.uk

G. Keys Poultry (Hullbridge Essex)

We keep large fowl Orpingtons Wyandottes and Lincolnshire Buffs.

Tel: Gavin on 01702 230644 or 07977 013893
Email: gavin.keys@btinternet.com

Warrens Chicks (Ledbury)

Silkies, Wyandottes, Welsummers, Pekins, Araucanas, Cream Legbar crosses, Barnavelders various colours from day olds.

Tel: 07869 599678
Email: wtoppers@msn.com

Fionas Hens (Andover)

Keeping Swedish Flower, Gold Tops, Nankins.
Hatching eggs posted or collected, hens sometimes available.

Email: fionamerrion@outlook.com

Parkside Poultry (Aldershot)

I keep Pekins in lavender, buff, Columbian, millefleur, gold-silver and chocolate laced, mottle in blue, black and khaki.
I also keep Serama Bantams in many colours and gold-laced Sebrights

Tel: 07976 531152
Email: sarahandmerlin@btinternet.com

Hollywater Hens (Liphook)

An experienced family business offering happy, healthy hens that make perfect productive pets. We breed, among others, Buff Orpington’s, Salmon Faverolles, Pekins, Polish and Booted Bantams, and various organically reared hybrids. We also have geese, quail and ducks.

Tel: Suzie on 01428 751749
Email: suzie@hollywaterhens.co.uk

Just Bantams (Bordon)

Family-run bantam breeders. We can supply you with day-old chicks to POL. We mainly have Pekins in a variety of colours with a mix of frizzle or smooth. From time to time, we have Silkies, Seramas, Polish and Sablepoots. All our bantams are very well looked after and loved and have all been well handled by both adults and children, making them a great addition to your family. Please contact us to see what we have available.

Tel: 01420 474885 or 07759 540361
Email: stroppymare2@btinternet.com

Herefordshire Poultry (Nr. Peterchurch)

Cream Legbar (blue eggs), English Cuckoo Marans (dark brown eggs) available from day-old to pullet. Abacot Ranger Ducks (German bloodline) to order.  

Tel: 07585 808605 Evenings

Ridge Poultry (Hereford)

Offering Silkies and Wyandottes.

Tel: 01432 269449
Email: josh@boymanhome.com

Brenda’s Poultry (Hatfield)

Offering a variety of purebred chickens including bantams and ducks.

Tel: 01707 272153

Corner Wood Poultry (Welwyn)

Breeding poultry, waterfowl and quail. Pol hybrids available all year round.

Tel: 07890 551646

Hens on Oxney

We sell ten different varieties of point of lay hybrids, fully vaccinated. We also breed our own Cream Legbars, Copper Marans, Swedish Flower Hens, Brahmas and very rare Death Layers.

Tel: 07767 822575
Email: kate@hensonoxney.co.uk

Cameron, Point of Lay Hens (Bexley)

Variety of high-quality point of lay chickens, including Sussex, Bluebell, Lohmann browns, Speckled, Rhode Island and others. Experienced poultry keeper over many years, and very glad to offer advice to assist those looking to keep chickens for the first time.

Tel: 07867 370338
Email: chooks@newlands-uk.com

Quack & Cluck  (Whitstable)

French Copper Black Marans, Cream Legbars and occasionally olive eggers and ducklings. I will also have hybrid laying hens available at day-old chicks, growers & POL throughout the year.

Tel: 07760211508
Email: quackandcluckwhitstable@yahoo.com

JK Poultry (Tonbridge)

Bantams and Large Fowl, Legbars, Wellsummers, Pekins, Rhode Island Red, Light Sussex and more.

Tel: 07402 670883
Email: jsbkerry@gmail.com

The Ark (Charing, Nr Ashford)

Breeder of point of lay chickens, ducks and geese. Stockist of feed, equipment and healthcare items. Our stock is fully free-ranging, wormed and vaccinated.

Tel: 07515 595706 or 07894 833779
Email: the1ark@btinternet.com

Daina Eggs and Chicks (Blackburn)

Hybrids, Silkies, Nacked Necks, Scot Greys, Brahmas, Marans, Light Sussex, and Pekins.

Tel: 07494 670380
Email: Dstonier3@googlemail.com

Pear Tree Poultry (Preston)

We keep 9 types of hybrid laying hens – Warrens, Black Rock, White Star, Bluebelle, Daisybelle, Calder Ranger, Amber, Speckled, Sussex. Our main rare breeds – Appenzeller, Campine, Hamburg, Sicilian Buttercup, Silkie, Sussex Bantam, Wyandotte Bantam, Poland, Thuringian, Orpington, Brahma and Australorp. Hatching eggs feeds, bedding, feeders and drinkers, cleaning products, supplements and medicines etc.

Tel: 07808 661873
Email: info@peartreepoultry.co.uk

Bluebell Rare Breeds (Nr. Preston)

We supply Large fowl Vorwerks, Brown Leghorn Bantams, Large fowl Cuckoo Marans, Self Blue Polish bantams, Self Black Polish bantams, Splash Polish bantams, Ex-Barn hens, commercial crossed Ducks (eggs or table), Various Quail, Ouessant Sheep, Alpacas. If you don’t see what you want here, give us a call as we sometimes have other breeds available. All birds are wormed, vaccinated, and free from mites and lice—fantastic birds for show or the garden.

Tel: 01772 725592 or 07715288426

Lucky Hens Rescue (Wigan)

Ex Battery Hen Re-Homers (Not for profit organisation)

Tel: Alison on 01942 233375 or 07888730763
Email: LuckyHens@gmail.com

Kippax Farms (Burnley)

Poultry breeders and online store selling hen and poultry equipment with nationwide delivery. We breed utility and show quality Orpingtons. We keep the following colours:- Buff, Blues, Lavenders, Blacks and Chocolate large fowl Orpingtons. We also breed Buff Sussex, Light Sussex, and Marsh Daisy’s. Birds and hatching eggs for sale. Please contact us for availability. Beginners poultry courses are also available.

Tel: 01282 420906
Email: info@kippax-farms.co.uk

Mike Sumner (Louth)

Pure Breed Poultry and Waterfowl. Quality show and breeding stock available. Mostly young to mature adults. Turkey growers sometimes available off heat, for breeding or Christmas table. Toulouse Geese, African Geese, White Indian Runner Ducks, Silver Appleyard Ducks, Turkeys in various colours, Lincolnshire Buffs, Silver Grey and Dark Dorkings, Nankin Bantams

Tel: 01507 568735

Poulet Anglais (Old Bolinbroke)

‘Fast’ growing chickens for meat – Mainly Hubbard’s slow-growing strains, JA757, 787, Coloryield and Mastergris but also some Ross.

Tel: 01790 763066 or 07787 533325
Email: pouletanglais@ukonline.co.uk

A1 and Chicken Crazy (Market Rasen)

Orpingtons in large and bantam sizes, many colours, Wyandottes in large silver lace and blue lace and bantam lavenders. Frizzles in large and my prize-winning Sultans that won at the 2008 National and the Federation. Hatching eggs right up to point of lay.

Tel: 01673 885856

Jamie Robinson (Holbeach)

I breed and show Gold Sebrights (also keep a few Silvers and Black Rosecombs) from very good show stock. I was best gold Sebright at the Federation 2008 and Reading Bantam Classic 2009.

Tel: 01406 351092
Email: jamie.robinson5@tesco.net

Billy James (Bellingham)

I breed and sell Cream Legbars, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Light Sussex, Gold Brahma, Lavender Pekins, and sell a selection of hybrids. Pure breeds are sold from day-old up to adults.

Tel: 07469 210813 or 07944 298352
Email: bunter_83@icloud.com

Coopers and Hutch (Bury)

We breed Welsummer chickens with POL hens, cockerels, chicks and hatching eggs. I also build coops, runs and rabbit hutches.

Tel: 07715 164745

Norfolk Brahmas (Near Fakenham)

I breed LF Brahmas in several colours: Lemon Pyle – Red Pyle – Blue -Black – Dark (Silver pencilled), and Gold. I also keep Faverolles, French Wheaten Marans, Cream Legbars and Lavender Pekins. Fertile eggs to order. Gowers and Pol sometimes available or to order.

Tel: Nadine on 01328 700957
Email: norfolkbrahmas@gmail.com

Anglia Poultry (Dereham)

Point of lay, day-old chicks, hatching eggs. Large Fowl- Aracanna, Legbar, Brahama, Cochin, Dorking, Faverolle, Frizzle, Leghorn, Maran, Poland, Silkie, Sussex, Welesummer, Wyandotte.
Bantams: Ancona, Austrolorpe, Botted, Belgians, Dutch, German Langshan, Modern Game, New Hampshire Red, Pekin, Poland, Silkie, Sumatra, Sussex, Rhode Island Red, Welsummer, Wyandotte.
Turkeys: Bourbon Red, Bronze and Norfolk Black. Geese: African, American buff, Chinese, Embden, Pilgrim, Sebastopol, Toulouse, West of England.
Ducks: Aylesbury, Black East India, Call, Indian Runner, Miniature Indian Runners, Muscovy, German Pekin, Rouen And Saxony.
Rhea’s, Peafowl, 10 Types Of Pigeon, Emu, Guinea Fowl, Quail and table birds.

Tel: Tom on 07704891393 or 01362 691906

Tile Farm Orpingtons (Downham Market)

We supply all Large Fowl Orpingtons from day old to POL.

Tel: 07795 381625
Email: info@minimeadowsfarm.com

Marans and Norfolks (Fakenham)

Norfolk Greys from our exhibition and utility stock. Large fowl and bantam Marans in dark or chocolate cuckoo.

Email: marans.bantams@btinternet.com

Hawkhill Hens (Alnwick)

Silkie, Orpington, Marans, Sussex, Cream Legbar. Waterfowl: Call, Aylesbury, Campbell, Indian Runner. Turkeys. Many more breeds available at other times. All our poultry are free-range.

Tel: 07577 281582
Email: hawkhillhen@gmail.com

Ayam Cemani – Top Bloodlines

Breeds kept and details: Ayem Cemani – Superb Show Stock.

Tel: 01423 391179 or 07557 230470
Email: jedandcasey83@gmail.com

Brackenholme Hall (Nr. Selby)

We breed Large Fowl French Marans: Copper Blue, Copper Black, Wheaten and Splash. We also breed Cuckoo Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Sussex, and Light Sussex, as well as a variety of hybrids for egg-laying or table birds. We also breed Pekins and Wyandotte bantams in a variety of colours. Open every Saturday morning from 9.30-1 pm no appointment necessary.

Tel: 01757 638925
Email: claire@brackenholmebanties.co.uk

Happy Harton Hens (North Yorkshire)

We specialize in Shetland’s native domestic poultry: Shetland Hens (lay beautiful green eggs), Shetland Ducks (very good layers), Shetland Geese (auto-sexing). We also keep Silver Sebrights (true bantams) and 6 varieties of hybrids for egg-laying (range of colours). Eggs are available for hatching.

Tel: 01904 468007 or 07876 500938

Legbars of Broadway (Burford)

Burford Brown and Cotswold Legbar Hybrids.

Tel: Philip on 07831 849036
Email: Philip@lee-woolf.co.uk

Cottage Garden Chickens (Nr. Bridgnorth)

Breeders of Bantams. Including – Pekins. Wyandottes. Buff and Chocolate Orpingtons. Large Fowl including – Light, Buff and Speckled Sussex, Buff and Splash Orpingtons, Marans, Cream Legbars, Welsummers, Brahmas, Barnevelders, La Fleche. Hatching Eggs by post. Growers and POL.

Tel: 07976 122631
Email: hello@cottagegardenchickens.co.uk

Pontesford Poultry and Waterfowl (Shrewsbury)

Orpingtons: 11 colours, Malaysian Seramas, Transylvanian Naked Necks and Polands: white-crested blacks, white-crested cuckoos and white-crested khaki and white-crested chocolate. Ducks: Indian Runners: 12 colours, Calls: 10 colours and Muscovies: lavender, chocolate ripple and dark ripple.

Tel: 07401 230450
Email: info@theppw.co.uk

HomeBarn Poultry (Bings Heath)

We breed rare breed chickens and bantams, including Speckled and Buff Sussex, Barnevelders, Partridge Pekins, Partridge Silkies, Lemon Stablepoots and Aylesbury Ducks. We are located in Shropshire, about 5 miles from Shrewsbury.

Email: em.good@hotmail.co.uk

Shropshire Pet and Poultry (Stoke on Tern)

Barred Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Rhode Island Reds, White Jersey Giants, Bantam Vorwerks, Bantam Buff Orpingtons, Bantam Chocolate Orpingtons, Lavender Pekins, Columbian Pekins, Gold Partridge Pekins and Buff Pekins.

Tel: 01630 684126 / 07860 644583
Email: shropshirepetandpoultry@yahoo.co.uk

Greenmeadow Poultry (Taunton)

Barnevelders, Barnebars, Salmon Faverolles, Cream Legbars, Amrocks in LF, Cuckoo Marans, Araucana, Pekins in Bantam. I try to breed the LF for utility and have hatching eggs and stock available in season. My mostly free-range flock is fed on wheat and micronised peas rather than the imported soya in layers pellets.

Tel: Cheryl on 07970 5942260

Raw Green Cottages (Cawthorne)

Partridge Orpingtons, Cream Legbars, Cuckoo Marans, Red Silkies, Pekins and Various POL Hybrids.

Tel: 07502 009103
Email: jody@rawgreencottages.co.uk

Staffordshire Chickens (Eccleshall)

We are a small family run supplier of poultry and poultry supplies, We stock Warren, Amber Link, White Leghorn, Rock, Sussex Ranger, Speckledy, and Blue Ranger. We are also able to supply a range of coops and various poultry supplies.

Tel: 07748 635116
Email: gailapotts@yahoo.co.uk

Chartley Chucks (Between Stafford and Uttoxeter)

Rhode Island Red, Cuckoo Marans, Light Sussex, Cream Legbar, Friesian Fowl and others. Fertile Eggs, chicks, growers and POL email for current stock list. Also providing coops, poultry and lesson planning for Schools.

Email: enquiries@chartleychucks.co.uk

The Poultry Paddock (Near Newcastle-Under Lyme)

Hybrid Chickens (Hens) for sale at Point of Lay (POL), Bluebells, Speckledys, Black Rock / Rhode Rock, Barred Rock, Blacktails, Light Sussex, White Star, Cheshire Blues, Commercial Browns (Warrens). Also Ducks, Bantam Chickens and Quail.

Tel: 07821 187160
Email: poultrypaddock@btinternet.com

Bennett’s Brood (Ipswich)

I am a small scale breeder of traditional dual-purpose poultry, working to develop birds that produce lots of good eggs and meat whilst conforming to breed standards. I have hatching eggs and POL hens for sale and can hatch day old chicks to order (with free delivery around the Ipswich area). I also have a three-egg incubator available for hire.

Tel: Sean on 01473 892114
Email: bennettsbrood@aol.co.uk

D & T Poultry (Wattisfield)

We supply a range of poultry for Suffolk and Norfolk, including chickens, bantams geese, emus etc. We ensure all our breeds are kept pure in individual pens and coops; we keep stock all year round including, Light Sussex Speckled Marans, Cochin, Brahmas, Pekins, Frizzle Pekins, Silkies, Orpingtons, Indian Game and many more. Hatching eggs available at all times.

Tel: 07872 542539

Anglia Wildfowl (Needham Market)

We supply over 120 species of waterfowl poultry and many other birds, including emus and rheas.

Tel: 07752 160009

Perfect Poultry (Lightwater)

Arguably the largest breeder of pure breed poultry in the country with 600 laying hens producing 70 breed lines of large fowl and bantams. Also produce 35 types/designs of Uk manufactured huts, hybrids and hatching eggs. Special strain meat birds for live sale for on breeding. Located near junction 3 of the M3.

Tel: 07815 072938.
Email: enquiry@perfectpoultry.co.uk

Barbara’s poultry (Dorking)

Breeding and supplying Poland, Wyandotte, and Vorwork chickens, Runner, Cayuga, Blue Swedish and Saxony ducks.  I also have Quail.

Email: barbssibes@yahoo.com

Pams Poultry (Camberley)

Poland- unsexed chicks plus some growers available later in the season. Chamois, mixed, white and blue, some frizzle.

Tel: 07747 482219 (Pam)
Email: Chickenbrain2009@yahoo.co.uk

Warwickshire ChickenCoop (Stratford Upon Avon)

Hybrids including Bluebelles, Black Rock, White Star, Columbian Blacktail, Speckeledy, Columbine, Gold Ranger, Sussex Star. Pure breeds including Orpington bantams, silkies, Pekins and Rhode Island Reds. All the chickens are at POL and are vaccinated. We have very high standards of husbandry and welfare, and our chickens’ wellbeing is our priority. We also sell feed, bedding, housing and many health and husbandry products.

Tel: 07768 555974

Sarah McKenzie (Pulborough)

We keep 11 varieties of hybrid egg-laying chickens and pure breed Sussex, light, buff & speckled. Orpingtons in buff. Cochins, black, blue, splash. Cream Legbar, Welsummers & bantams-  buff & lavender,  & light Sussex bantams. Open daily from 4 pm till dusk.

Tel: 07969 991617
Email: sussexgardenpoultry@gmail.com

Just Pekins (Nr. Wakefield)

Offering Hatching eggs for 6 colours of Pekins.

Tel: 01924 254959

Halls Poultry (Calverley)

POL Pure Breeds and Hybrids. Turkeys and Ducks. Growers are also available.

Tel: 01132 361911 or 07860 255527

Bank View Farm (Sheffield)

Pure breed chickens are available from hatching eggs and day-old chicks to the point of lay—a wide selection of hybrid hens available all year round. We offer an incubator hire service, chicken keeping, breeding courses, and a poultry supply shop stocking everything from feed, equipment, and coops.

Tel: 07889 791164
Email: rachel@bankviewfarm.co.uk

Hoppingstones Hens (Nr. Lyneham)

Copper Black, Light Susses, Hoppingstones Ranger, Blue Belle, Amber Start, Columbian Blacktail, Cherry Maran, Silver Sussex, Speckledy.

Tel: 07936 365204
Email: chartsoft@yahoo.co.uk

Newland Poultry (Newland)

Lavender Orpingtons and Vorwerks, as well as a selection of POL pullets available all year round. All hybrids are fully vaccinated, wormed and guaranteed. We welcome newcomers to chicken keeping, and all our birds are sold with a genuine lifetime of free advice and support. We also stock a wide range of chicken keeping products and Omlet products, Garvo feeds, housing and equipment.

Tel: 07830 176254

H and P Poultry (Great Malvern)

Large fowl buff Orpington and gold-laced Orpington chickens, chamois Poland bantams.

Tel: 01684 568701
Email: chartsoft@yahoo.co.uk


Happy Hens Poultry

Ixworth, Marsh Daisy, Scots Dumpy, Scots Grey, Silver Dorking, Welsummer, and Guinea Fowl, Turkeys and Brecon Buff Geese.

Tel: 01558 650187
Email: myhappyhens@aol.com

Chickens’n’chicks (Drefach, Ceredigion)

Hatching eggs, chicks and point-of-lay. Large Fowl Barred Wyandotte, Buff Sussex, Light Sussex, Rhode Island Reds and Goldlines, Double-laced Barnevelder, Crested Cream Legbar, White Star, Lavender Pekin. Chocolate Wyandotte Bantams. Based in Ceredigion, West Wales.

Tel: 01570 480710

KLS Waterfowl and Poultry (Whitland)

Rhodebar (Autosexing), Cuckoo Maran Bantam, Red Sussex, Le Bresse. Ducks – Welsh Harlequin, Solid Chocolate Muscovy. Hatching eggs to POL. No day old Muscovies (as mum hatches these!) but available at between 4 – 6 weeks.

Tel: Katy on 01994 241738
Email: ktsmith111@hotmail.co.uk

Pencwarre Poultry and Waterfowl (Cardigan)

Various colours of the following breeds: – Orpingtons LF and Bantam Vorwerks, Black Sumatra bantams, Pekins, Sablepoots, Light Sussex LF and Bantam, Barnevelders, Rhode Island Reds, Silkies, Wyandotte Bantams, Friesian Fowl, Campine, Welsummer, Cream Legbars, Indian Runners, Call ducks and Khaki Campbells – other breeds available from time to time.

Tel: Chris and Lisa on 07989 158283 or 07854 001435

Pentwyn Poultry (Llanon)

Suppliers of pullets: Warrens, Rhode Rock, Blue Belles, Speckled, Barred Rock, Light Sussex, White Leghorn, Cheshire Blues (blue egg layers) Pure Breed LF: Speckled Sussex, Vorwerk, Marans, Salmon Faverolles, Cream Legbar, Partridge Brahma, Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Black, White Silkies, Barnvelder, Lemon Pyle Brahma, Welsummer, Friesian Fowl. Bantams: Partridge Pekins, Salmon Pekins, Lemon Milliefleur Sablepoot, Millefleur Pekin, Black Mottled Pekin, Cuckoo Pekin, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Gold Laced Polish. Ducks: Aylesbury, Khaki Campbell, White Campbell, Indian Runner, Muscovy, Call Duck, Welsh Harlequin. Geese: Embden, Chinese, Toulouse. Guinea Fowl, Quail.

Tel: Susan on 01974 272777 or 07885 440862
Email: pentwynpoultry1@hotmail.co.uk

Sunnydale Hens (Wrexham)

Orpington L/F: Black, Buff, Lemon Cuckoo, Lavender, Blue, Chocolate and Project Chocolate Laced. Pekin: White, Buff, Blue Mottled, Black Mottled, Black, Millefleur and Chocolate. Thuringian: Silver Spangled and Gold Spangled. American Dominique. Sablepoot: Lemon Millefleur. Silkie Bantam: Black. Serama. Welsummer. Occasionally some Hybrids.

Email: sunnydalehens@yahoo.co.uk

Chickens Galore (Nr. Cheshire)

We are enthusiastic chicken breeders based in North Wales close to the Cheshire border. Breeds include Gold Laced Orpingtons, Lavender Orpingtons, Blue Orpingtons, Silver Partridge Pekins, Polish, Silkies, Speckled Sussex, French Copper Marans. All the above pure breeds are available from 7-week old chicks. Hybrid point of lay pullets are available throughout the year.

Tel: Caroline on 01978 760229
Email: caroline.alan@talktalk.net

Welsh Poultry (Aberdare)

Hybrid/Utility strain laying hens: Silver Sussex, Sussex Pont, White Leghorn, Bovins Nera / Black Rock, Rhondda Blue, Rhondda Ranger, Coucou Marran, Speckled Rock. A range of ages. Pure breeds hatching eggs and a limited number of young stock occasionally: Cream Crested Legbar, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Orpingtons. Ducks and ducklings available from time to time. All stock is free-range.

Email: sales@welshpoultry.co.uk

Clydach Poultry

Welsummers, Light Sussex, Indian Game, Silkie (White, Gold, Partridge), Orpington (Buff), Clydach Clockers, Bwl Brown, Pekin (Buff, Lavender), Sablepoots, Modern Game, Guinea Fowl, Goldline, Warren, Black Rock, Utility Sussex, and Muscovy Ducks. Offering poultry at all life stages from egg to adult. We are the true breeders of the famous Clydach Clockers and Clydach Cocos. We also can also provide: Farm Gate feeds, Corn (whole and rolled), As well as a range of poultry feeders, drinkers, gift-ware, housing and health care products.

Tel: Call Callum on 07583 551540
Email: callum@clydachpoultry.co.uk

Graig Pure Breeds (Caernarfon)

L/F Orpington poultry in Buff, Blue, Cuckoo, Black and Jubilee. Also, Light Sussex chicks. Khaki Campbell and Aylesbury ducks and Emden and Roman geese.

Tel: Janet on 01286 880173
Email: graigpoultry@aol.co.uk

Pembrokeshire Poultry (Whitland)

Araucana, Buff Rock Bantams, Chamois Poland, Dutch Bantams, Friesian Fowl, Hybrid Hens, Ixworth, Jersey Giant, Leghorn, Naked Neck, Pekin, Sebright, Silkies, Wyandottes and sometimes others.

Tel: Fen on 01994 419286
Email: admin@pembrokeshirepoultry.co.uk

Nik and Nel (Newtown)

Pekin all colour smooth and frizzle, Poland all colours smooth and frizzle, Runner ducks, Lakenvelder, Warren, Cochin, Barbu d’Uccle, Serama, Sablepoot, Brahma. Turkeys, Muscovy ducks and many more!

Tel: 07870 694188 or 01686 626266
Email: nikandnelsreptilesandaquatics@live.co.uk


Miles Lawson (Huntley)

Croad Langshan Black. All of our stock is free-range.

Tel: 07717 130749
Email: milesalawson@gmail.com

AK Poultry (Inverurie)

Buff Orpingtons, Wellsummers, Maran, Light and Silver Sussex. White and gold Silkies, White Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons. We also supply Hybrids and starter packs.

Tel: 07789 744101
Email: akpoultry@live.co.uk

Perthshire Pullets (Dollar)

Hy-line point of lay pullets.

Tel: 07968 259502 (Colin Campbell)
Email: colincampbell1000@talktalk.net

Phyl Fleming (Stewarton, East Ayrshire)

Breeding Jersey Giants, Quail and Guinea Fowl.

Tel: 07866 932369
Email: phyladfleming@aol.com

Feufield (Biggar)

Sussex, Speckeldy, Rhode Rock, Calder Ranger, Blue Ranger (smokey blue), Amber Link.

Tel: 07800 578915

Highfield Poultry (Lanark)

Ayam Cemani, White Pavlovs, Silkies: Paint, Blue, Black and White chickens and hatching eggs

Tel: 07772 969701
Email: dorasitek@hotmail.com

Hippy Chicks Poultry (Howwood)

We breed and sell Welsummer and Speckled Sussex, including hatching eggs, both large fowl, and sell Black Rock hens. Visitors by arrangement always welcome.

Tel: 07548 910439

The Black Rock Hatchery (Paisley)

Crosslee Poultry Farm. The sole producer of the Black Rock Hen.

Email: eddie@ralovett.co.uk

Northern Ireland and Ireland

Chickened Out – Maghaberry

Chickened Out is a family run business based in Maghaberry, Northern Ireland, focused on providing customers in Northern Ireland with the ‘Complete Back-Garden Chicken Keeping Package’ Various breeds are supplied with their packages.

Tel: 028 92617306 or 07702 306765

Andrew O’Connell (County Cork)

Black Minorcas, Polands and Japanese Bantams.

Tel: +(35) 3863936825
Email: ocbcork.eircom.net

Rose Cottage Buff Orpingtons (County Mayo)

LF Buff Orpingtons and New Hampshire Reds. Hatching Eggs to order and growers later in the season.

Tel: +(35) 3872191389
Email: Chrismeadows@eircom.net

How to get a listing here

If you have poultry for sale regularly, you are welcome to have a listing in our database.

Listing is free; however, I can’t provide links to websites. I have been burnt so often when a website disappears and up pops a new site promoting the other kinds of chicks. 

Please provide the following details:

County: e.g. Essex

Postcode: e.g. MK34 – At least the first part to include you on the Google map.

Name of breeder: e.g. John’s Orpingtons.

Breeds kept and details: e.g. Orpingtons in black, white, and buff. All of our stock is free-range.

Contact details: Email, telephone number.

  • Contact me by email with this information, and I will add your entry, usually within 21 days on the next update.
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