Author: Gail Damerow

Hatchability of Chicken Eggs
Incubating, Hatching & Brooding Chicks

Hatchability of Chicken Eggs

The hatchability of chicken eggs is as essential for backyard chicken keepers as it is for commercial flocks, especially when you have a limited number of eggs from a rare breed or breed in numbers to produce a small number of birds for the show pen.

chicken eggshell colour
Keeping Chickens

Chicken Eggshell Colours

Gail Damerow explains what colour eggs are possible, what causes different colours and provides a list of different chicken eggshell colours. 

How to help a chick hatch
Incubating, Hatching & Brooding Chicks

How to Help a Chick Hatch

In this guide, Gail Damerow will help us to understand why a chick can’t always make it out on its own, why it’s not usually a good idea to intervene, and if you do decide to assist, how to help a chick hatch.