Alphapet Walk In Chicken Run

The Alphapet walk in chicken runs come in a range of sizes that are ideally suited for a small to medium size flock. Whilst I have a large fenced off area for my birds where they can free-range, there was a risk of another bird flu lockdown over the winter months, so I grabbed the […]

Red Top Fly Traps

Red Top Fly Traps

The Red Top Fly Trap was something I discovered a couple of years ago and now buy half a dozen of these every year to control the number of flies around the garden and my poultry pens and houses that are spread across an acre of land.

Grandpa’s Feeders Review


Feeding chickens is a straight forward task and there are of course a number of different feeders available for the poultry keeper, whatever the flock size. The challenge soon becomes ensuring that your chickens are the ones getting the food and not the local squirrel, crow, rook, pigeon, rat or mouse population!

BEC Feeders Review

BEC Feeders Review

I took delivery of a large box of feeders from the manufacturer BEC and have been testing them for the last 4 months in a variety of ways. These feeders are sturdy, robust plastic feeders that are manufactured in the UK and are certainly built to last.

Butterfly Poultry Saddles

Butterfly Poultry Saddle feat

Around mid-summer, many hens that are kept in a flock with a cockerel start to look bare on their backs having lost feathers from his constant attention. Small flocks suffer the most but even in a large flock, a cock will have his favourites who are no doubt the birds who have lost the most […]